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Online / September 25, 2019 / Speaking

Contract Intelligence Webinar

September 25, 2019 - September 25, 2019


With all the excitement and hype around Artificial Intelligence, are there examples of it adding value in the enterprise? Michael Azoff, distinguished analyst at Ovum, will provide an overview of Artificial Intelligence technologies today. He will examine the opportunities for Natural Language Understanding and position the advantages of Cortical.io’s approach in this space. Steve Levine from Cortical.io will highlight its Contract Intelligence solution and the innovative technology behind it. Sascha Demgensky, from PwC Germany will describe use cases for Contract Intelligence.

Attendees will take away from the webinar:

  • Where Natural Language Understanding fits in the landscape of Artificial Intelligence technologies
  • How savings can be realized by applying Natural Language Understanding to the review and analysis of contracts
  • Contract Intelligence use cases


  • Michael Azoff, Distinguished Analyst, Ovum
  • Steve Levine, Chief Marketing Officer, Cortical.io
  • Sascha Demgensky, Lawyer and Auditor, PwC Germany

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