How AI Ensures the Long-Term Resilience of Insurance

How AI Ensures the Long-Term Resilience of Insurance

In the first half of 2024, we attended several conferences to discuss about the expectations and needs of the insurance industry concerning business priorities and new technologies. Two terms consistently dominated the discussions: AI and resilience. On one hand,...
How AI Ensures the Long-Term Resilience of Insurance

Wie KI die Resilienz von Versicherungen langfristig sichert

Das 2024 Insurance Forum Austria (IFA) in Stegersbach bot hochrangigen Vertretern aus der Versicherungsbranche eine interaktive Platform, um sich über strategische Herausforderungen, Marktentwicklungen und neue Geschäftsmodelle auszutauschen. Zwei Begriffe...
Can Automation Solve Talent Shortages in Insurance?

Can Automation Solve Talent Shortages in Insurance?

In today’s hypercompetitive labor market, insurers are finding it increasingly difficult to attract and retain skilled workers. The combined forces of the “great resignation,” as employees re-evaluate their priorities, and the “great...
Will AI Fully Automate Underwriting by 2030?

Will AI Fully Automate Underwriting by 2030?

McKinsey predicts that underwriting, as we know it today, will cease to exist by 2030  – at least, for most personal and small-business products in life, property and casualty insurance. The processes around risk assessment and policy writing are largely...
Was kann man von KI erwarten – und was nicht

Was kann man von KI erwarten – und was nicht

Kann Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) einen Rechtsanwalt ersetzen? Natürlich nicht. Kann sie die Arbeit einer Rechtsabteilung erleichtern und dem Unternehmen Wettbewerbsvorteile bringen? Definitiv – aber unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen.Immer mehr...
3 Benefits of Intelligent Document Processing for Insurance

3 Benefits of Intelligent Document Processing for Insurance

In its recently published Hype Cycle for Digital Life and P&C Insurance, 2022, Gartner rates intelligent document processing (IDP) as one of the tech trends with the highest short-term benefits for the insurance industry. Yet, the market penetration is...