Weniger Arbeitsaufwand, bessere Ergebnisse

Digitalisierung, KI und Automatisierung finden sich seit einigen Jahren in allerlei Absichtserklärungen. Im Unternehmensalltag klingt das oft so: Wir wollen digitaler werden! Schön, sagen viele, aber wie lässt sich das von der Theorie in die Praxis umsetzen? Und wie...

What is High Efficiency AI?

Despite their popularity, steam-powered cars had a very short life. Why? Because they needed up to 30 minutes to start. They were rapidly replaced by automobiles with internal combustion engines and electric starters. Automobilists abandoned their beloved steam cars...

Cortical.io Adds Contract Intelligence to Document Processing

Businesses have countless documents to keep track of. And organizing, maintaining and updating them can be a challenge, both from a volume and a manpower standpoint. Intelligent document processing (IDP) tools are increasingly applied to process and analyze structured...

Product Walk Through: Cortical.io – Semantic Folding Doc Analysis

In this AL TV Product Walk Through, CMO Steve Levine, takes us through some of its capabilities, especially the way that it takes a semantic approach to contract analysis and extraction. For example, it can extract a date from a lease and assign it to the right legal...

Green Software – A New Trend for a Better Planet

Green Tech has been around for the past twenty years but has only gained traction recently due to the rising concerns about global warming. The green tech and sustainability market was valued at $11.2 billion in 2020, and it is expected to reach $36.6 billion by 2025....