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SemanticPro Implementation Guide

Explore the 7 critical implementation steps to maximize the ROI of your IDP project


Technology purchases are often perceived as risky. This is especially true in the field of natural language processing, where projects can take months to complete without certainty about the effectiveness of results. The vendor’s reputation and size are often viewed as indicators of success and the disappointment is big when the implementation fails because critical steps in the planning phase have been overlooked.

Based on our experience over the past ten years with implementing Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solutions in different industry, business and technology environments, we have identified 7 critical steps that help reduce the implementation risks to a minimum and shorten time-to-value with our SemanticPro IDP solution.

Download this guide to understand how to:

  • Shorten time to value and increase the ROI of your investment

  • Improve the commitment of critical stakeholders

  • Give a better visibility to your project within your organization


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