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Frequently Asked Questions
Message Intelligence

What is Cortical.io Message Intelligence?

A packaged solution that can filter, classify, and route stream of messages in real time at a massive scale. The latest release enables also the extraction of key information from emails and attachments.

What types of information can be processed by Cortical.io Message Intelligence?

The solution can filter, route and extract information from emails and attachments. The solution can be configured to process streams of unstructured text such as other forms of messaging, news and social media posts.

Which use cases does Cortical.io Message Intelligence target?

Examples of use cases successfully addressed include automation of email processing in customer centers, tracking of customer satisfaction, email compliance monitoring, news or social media monitoring, etc.

What levels of precision can Cortical.io Message Intelligence achieve?

Benchmark tests with publicly available email categorization datasets show that our solution achieves the highest accuracy scores of all tested models, including Google BERT and Word2Vec.

What is the difference between Cortical.io Message Intelligence and other classification solutions?
  • Speed: fast processing inherent to Cortical.io patented NLU approach enables real-time processing when combined with Xilinx accelerating hardware.
  • Precision: Cortical.io solution understands the meaning in messages, even if they are short, and classifies them accurately, even if they do not use the same vocabulary as the filters.
  • Reduction of false positives: the meaning-based algorithm behind Cortical.io Message Intelligence drastically reduces the false positive rate.
  • No need for AI experts: Cortical.io classifiers can tune themselves using AutoML features, so that subject matter experts and IT administrators do not need to be experienced in AI to use the solution effectively.
  • Little amount of training data needed: the solution needs very little annotated training data to deliver high precision results.
Which languages are supported?

Cortical.io Message Intelligence processes emails in English, Spanish and German. Overall, the solution performs very well with multilingual documents.

How long does it take before I can use the solution?

You can use Cortical.io Message Intelligence immediately, as it is pre-trained with standard filters and classifiers. It is a matter of a few hours for your IT administrators to configure the solution to your company parameters.

How are the classification results visualized?

Classification results are visualized on the dashboard: it shows a summary of configured active filters, analytics dashboards relating to configured email filters and a log of recent application activity.

How does Cortical.io Message Intelligence integrate into an existing software?

Our solution seamlessly integrates with CRM systems like Salesforce through our REST API.

Still have some questions? Contact us to get the answers!

See Contract Intelligence In Action - free demo